Customer supremacy, professional supremacy

How does a good business album need to be printed?
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First of all, to determine the position of the brochure, who is it to see? Customers? Suppliers? Coo...

First of all, to determine the position of the brochure, who is it to see? Customers? Suppliers? Cooperation? Government?... The brochure to face the crowd, then the whole brochure content and style on the whole idea, because for different people focus and style throughout the brochure will have different design method, so it is difficult to say a specific answer. In addition, there are many kinds of brochures. Product brochures, business brochures, commemorative brochures, investment manuals and so on should also be noticed when making a brochure.


1, the most taboo taboo is the full length of text information and pictures. There is no main line at all. Many businesses will say "enterprise culture" one by one. The idea of the enterprise is. The enterprise background is. The core value of an enterprise is. The enterprise product is. The business service is. This album has no any brand features, now is the pursuit of customized services according to the enterprise's own characteristics, brand positioning, market factors and so on "high precision extraction", put forward the most effective, the most simple, most people can understand and remember the words you want to express the meaning of this.

2, a brochure to clear structure, this brochure I do is to highlight what, this should be clear, after the division structure, P division, here remember, must avoid "what all want to say, what did not say" as a result, if a brochure you do not have a focus to the core of the propaganda, it means that what you did not express, when a person sees a company brochure, he must remember only a small part of them, all figured remember this is tell some fantastic tales.

The overall design style, 3 brochure according to the characteristics of the enterprise brand, positioning and text content inside the enterprise background, comprehensive consideration, the text cannot be disengaged on design, otherwise there will be love in the office or drilling for oil in the sea feeling

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